Exploring Silky Oaks
Today we would head out for an all day safari in to the Daintree rain forest. It started out with a trip down the river where we spotted a few small crocks.
Then in to the four wheel drive. We were told about all the things we should not have done yesterday after we had already done them when we walked through the forest. Our guide pointed out some cool trees, including one that could kill you. It had tiny glass fibers in it, and if you get enough of them in your skin you could go in to a coma.
We also came across an old mill.
They had a nice barbeque for us outside and some amazing fruit. Not like what I was used to, this was like a solid color jello, but quite tasty. By the way do not feed the lizards, there was a four foot one that I tossed a bit of meat to and it wanted more and came after me. We then went swimming in a fresh water hole, so no crocks. Whoever said there was no such thing as a stupid question was stupid. Our guide was showing us things we could eat in the wild. There was an ant (among other bugs) that you could bite the head off and it was an excellent source of vitamin c. This stupid 15 year old girl asked after eating one if it hurt the ants. Once we got back out of the forest we walked back along the beach at Cape Tabulation.
Once we returned we found another large spider just outside our room.